Grouping Of Airborne Manglicolous Fungi, Pakistan
air-borne microbiota, mangrove forests, agar plateAbstract
This study deals with the grouping pattern of air-borne micro biota (fungi species and bacteria) in some mangrove forests of Pakistan. The study was undertaken to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the air-borne microorganisms of mangrove forests using agar plate culture technique. Six different sites i.e. Port Qasim, Kemari, Korangi, Mai Kolachi, Sonmiani and Ketti Bunder were selected to collect samples during June to August. During study, a total 26 fungal species viz., Aspergillus niger, A. fumigatus, A. sulphureus, A. terreus, A. candidus, A. wentii, A. flavus, Alternaria alternata, A. maritima, A. porri, Alternaria sp., Rhizopus varians, Mucor sp., M. mucedo, Penicillium sp., P. notatum, Dreshellera nodulosa, D. dematioidea, Exosporiella fungorum, Botrytis cinerea, Cladosporium oxysporum, Acrodictys bambusicola, Chetomium sp., Fusarium solani, Trichoderma viridae and Curvularia sp. were recorded from different mangrove sites through microscopic method. The one-way and two-way dendrogram were obtained from Ward’s clustering method based on relative densities resulted into two and four main groups respectively. It may be concluded that Deutromycetes were widely distributed in the mangrove forest, while Ascomycetes were rare whereas Phycomecetes were entirely absent during the whole study period. This study will aid to know the abundance and assemblage of the mico-biota in other mangrove habitats.